About Me

Pseudo-intelligent. Happy-Go-Lucky. Occasional introvert. Semi extrovert. Loves to eat but incapable of gaining weight. Sweet-toothed. Failure of a socialite. Failure as a hikkikomori (basement-dweller). A wannabe paradox.
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Off we go!

Phew, the past week sure has been hectic, what with that nasty exam business and all. It really was a stressful week so it was obvious that Mom deserved a break. Which is why Grandad and I was sent away - Grandad for a 2 weeks, I for a month (China 1st half - Malaysia 2nd half). So here I am sitting in one of Kuala Lumpur International Airport's sorry excuse for a cafe, waiting for my connecting flight to Shanghai at 1am Saturday. Yep, it's a 5 hour wait...on top of a 8 hour flight (Shutter Island + the Wolfman + Lightning Thief = 8 hours and a sore butt). I got so bored, I even started blogging again. Mind you, there's a Brazil vs. Portugal match going on right now and if I were even a little less nerdy, you wouldn't have gotten another taste of my literary genius so you're welcome. I must say though, it's quite nice to be back on home soil even if it is 20° warmer here. If only there was someway to alert my fellow countryman of my being here, I wonder what their reactions will be. I hope at least one of them will try to sound excited lol. Oh well, at least I can cath up on my sleep here...that is as soon as the vuvuzelas and bar crowd cheers die down. Till next time folks..if there is a next time.

Ps: To those still stuck down-under, I miss you all already. Don't miss the weather there though :)