About Me

Pseudo-intelligent. Happy-Go-Lucky. Occasional introvert. Semi extrovert. Loves to eat but incapable of gaining weight. Sweet-toothed. Failure of a socialite. Failure as a hikkikomori (basement-dweller). A wannabe paradox.


No don't worry, while I certainly am a star, I'm not gonna asplode anytime soon. As least I don't plan to. Well, I've a confession to make...I've been hanging out with some pretty shady characters recently. I'm so ashamed...but more on that later cos I gots to prepare for another day of Supernova Sydney 2009 tomorrow!!!1 Until then, I would suggest reading other people's blog for a change. Now go on! Scram!

Yes, that's my hand. Note the cool looking lime-green band on it. Don't I look cool with it?

Oh and by the way, special shoutout to my comrades in Malaysia. Wish you guys were here. Isn't that fun without ya. Saya pergi beremo now.


Oh hey, it's me again. Just thought I'd stop by to check up on my blo...OMG!! CBOX SPAMMED WITH REPLIES!! I guess I am popular after all!
those voices inside mai head: no your not...otaku.;_;

In any case, expect a lot of posts over the next few days. I should have lots to blog about. If I don't deliver leh then I'm probably hyper busy lor. swt.

But for now, you guys probably heard that Rita came to town rite? What you didn't?! Fail!
Go directly to JAIL. Do not pass GO, Do not collect $200.
If you did read it or at least rolled a double then sally forth!

Well, I bet you're curiosity has been piqued eh? Your inquisitive nature has been whetted no? Just what did these two cheeky rascals do during the weekend to amuse themselves? Admit it, your life cannot continue without first satisfying your keh-poh streak. Well, I shall dally no longer. I shall, as they say, let the Felis catus out of the bag.

We mostly spent our time walking around the city, shopping, lollygagging etc till dinner time. We then spent the later half of the day looking for a place that serves spaghetti because Rita had a craving for it. Unfortunately, though we were in a westernised modern city, stringy Italian goodness managed to escape our rumbling tummies. Fuming mad, we wandered randomly into some basement/lower ground food court located in Chinatown which my Grandad and I frequented so many times before. Still infuriated at the lack of clichèd (copied off John's blog) Italian food, we went up to the nearest store and carefully placed our randomly picked orders. 1 Singaporean Fried Mee and 1 Pork Rice something = almost AUD20 == RM50 (Holy ****!). Even more incensed, we stormed off lovingly back to Rita's hotel where I was forced to

Checked out at 11-ish. Was bored wondering what to do. Both of us were still livid from yesterday's rip-off/lack of spaghetti. This time, I refused to go on without first tasting the glorious taste of what is known to mortals as spaghetti. With great determination, we scoured the cityscape, looking high and low for our elusive meal. Finally! After 30 great long minutes of searching, we located our prey. You'd think that we'd tuck in straight away after all that trouble yes? Well, surprisingly we didn't. Instead for another 15 mins, we just camwhored. Yes, even I did! GASP! I took pictures of the pasta, Rita, pasta again, Blue Drink (it's blue!), Rita, Rita with Blue Drink(which is blue in colour) etc. RIP $monies$.

After brunch, we kinda floated around again. Unexpectedly, we found ourselves going down a lift. All of a sudden, zombies started attacking us! Quick as a flash, both of us pulled out our Mini Uzi SMGs and let lose a volley of lead. But wait! No time to rest as another wave of brain-eaters marched towards us. Wave after wave came, thousands of magazines spent, hours after hours we pushed on, moving ever closer to the Goldman Building. Unfortunately, we both were killed in the foyer of that building by some levitating magicman known as The Star. Unperturbed, we decided to rape...i mean race each other (sry but the 'p' and 'c' keys are soo close to each other. LOL). This time, she cosPlayed as a princess and I was a mushroom. Fungi FTW! We shot loudspeakers at each other, bombs, banana peels, basin pans too. Oh what fun. In the end we both tied 4-4 I think.

If anyone can figure out what the previous paragraph was about then You win 100 points! Seriously

After that whole incident was over, came the time for us to part. Don't really wanna talk bout this. It was a sad moment indeed. But no need to fret because they all lived happily ever after. THE END.

Look! We did find spaghetti! wO0t!

Oh Hai!

It's kinda sad that even though I've got like 5 drafts waiting in the wings, only 2 of them ever got published. Believe me, i do regularly think up of posts for my blog but somehow they rarely get past the drafting stage, eventually getting deleted. Reasons this happens is probably because of my laziness and procrastinating attitude. Though this may be my general attitude toward everything else in life (I'm working on changing this, honest!), in this particular context, my procrastinating streak is further aggravated by the fact that my computer's Internet connection is sooo fucked up!! God, it's so annoying. *RAGE**RAGE**RAGE*

I can always work around this problem by using my bro's comp conveniently placed beside mine but in order to do so I gotta shoo him away and can never bring myself to tear him away from his comp while he's searching for pron. Just kidding. We're not like that. Lol.

Well, on the off chance you may actually be concerned about how I'm doing here, I'll just sum up my current life here in one word. COLD! Today marks the 10th day into winter and I'm freezing my b*** off here. I even had to break out the long sleeve shirts i wore once a year in Malaysia. Still, the weather here is much more "interesting" than Malaysia's hot & wet/dry weather. If the local weather was personified, Malaysia's weather would be a simple-minded hot (literally) girl who's dry for one half of the year and wet the other. (I'll leave that to your imagination). Australia's weather would be a indecisive biatch that can't make up her mind if she wants to be hawt or give the cold-shoulder. With her in charge, you could actually experience a extremely cold morning and a relatively warm noon. It's particularly frustration in the winter especially if you leave the house all decked out in winter gear (gloves, scarf, thick jacket, long-sleeve shirt, etc.) then in the afternoon, you pay for your careful preparations by sweating like hell. T.T

Edit: Warning! Reports of a few wild profanities have been received. The management would like to ensure guests that there is nothing to be afraid of and is working to prevent future reoccurrences.

Also, wanna know what last night's temperature was? 6
°C! Not even a blanket + quilt was enough! Tonight, I'm gonna hafta sleep with three layers. T.T